International scientific review - Fondamental research
The aim of this study was to investigate the reproducibility of measurement protocols used to evaluate dentine hypersensitivity. In addition, newly developed controlled air and cold fluid stimuli were investigated.
Two studies were undertaken with 63 and 42 subjects respectively. Standardized pain stimulation techniques were used. The reproducibility of perceived hypersensitivity on stimulation...
The aim of this study was to investigate the reproducibility of measurement protocols used to evaluate dentine hypersensitivity. In addition, newly developed controlled air and cold fluid stimuli were investigated.
Two studies were undertaken with 63 and 42 subjects respectively. Standardized pain stimulation techniques were used. The reproducibility of perceived hypersensitivity on stimulation was recorded at two different times.
The results of these two studies showed that reproducibility at the individual level is difficult to evaluate and remains very limited, even when the sources of stimulation are standardised and controlled.
The problem of reproducibility at the individual level renders difficult the interpretation of the results of dentine hypersensitivity. This contributes to the difficulty of validating the results of trials aimed at establishing the treatment efficacy of new agents.
The prevalence, aetiology, and mechanisms of dentine hypersensitivity have been the object of may investigations reported in the literature. However, the validity of the results of many of the studies remains equivocal or contradictory. This article underlines the necessity and the difficulty of achieving reproducibility in clinical trials.