Journal de Parodontologie & d'Implantologie Orale n° 2 du 01/05/2000


International scientific review - Fundamental reseach


MH Biray*   G Briend**  

Aim of the study

To study the effect of occlusal loads on bone regeneration due to recombinent BMP-2 and cementum formation in the rat.

Materials and methods

BMP-2 in association with a collagen membrane was placed at hypofuntional sites (following extraction of the opposing teeth) and at functional sites. A control group only received membranes without BMP-2. The rats were sacrificed at 10 and 35...

Aim of the study

To study the effect of occlusal loads on bone regeneration due to recombinent BMP-2 and cementum formation in the rat.

Materials and methods

BMP-2 in association with a collagen membrane was placed at hypofuntional sites (following extraction of the opposing teeth) and at functional sites. A control group only received membranes without BMP-2. The rats were sacrificed at 10 and 35 days.


After 10 days, the control hypofunctional group formed more bone than the control functional group as did both the BMP-2 groups compared with their respective controls.

After 35 days, it was the BMP-2 functional group which formed the most new bone.


These results suggest that hypofunction stimulates earlier bone formation, that occlusal function augments the initial inductive effects of BMP-2 and that occlusal loading is an important stimulus for periodontal remodelling.


This very well documented study confirms the important role of occlusion in periodontal healing.